Excited to share a new article about Fraud the Game and its origins released today by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
(Link here) Introducing “Fraud: The Game of White-Collar Crime”
Also we’ve been really busy with other fraudulent activities like Game Nights in Maplewood and our official (link here) Fraud Launch Party where guests came dressed as their favorite white-collar crooks.

We went to Chicago before Thanksgiving to attend the annual Chicago Toy and Game Fair [link here] (ChiTAG) where I got to meet fellow game and toy inventors, game companies, reporters and members of the public who bought copies of Fraud.
Game Swap with Gina Powell, game designer of Jail or Bail

All our Kickstarter Backer Rewards have been sent out or delivered and the game is now on sale at (link here) Amazon just in time for the holidays!
Stay tuned for more updates in our newsletter, blog and on social media.